Eucalypt Services -

Entry Requirements


The entry criteria for Eucalypt’s services are: - A person under 65 years old, who has a disability which: - is attributed to an intellectual, cognitive, neurological, sensory or physical impairment, or to one or more impairments attributed to a psychiatric condition - is permanent or likely to be permanent - is likely to require support throughout life. - A member of the Free Reformed Churches of Australia.

It is preferable that the participant and/or their family are members of the Association. However, accessing services is not conditional to this membership.

Whilst participants are encouraged to access funding for the services they require, the funding availability or amount will not prescribe the level of service received. Service provided will be determined according to participant need, and the availability of the service needed.

Eucalypt recognises the right of participants to transfer to an alternative service. Where requested, Eucalypt will work with alternative service organisations to ensure a smooth transition to another organisation.

Eucalypt reserves the right to withdraw services in situations where its duty of care responsibilities to either its participants or its staff are demonstrably compromised.